Thursday, May 5, 2011

Im back .

helllooooo ~
Last month was so busy no time for blog out my life how im doing recently.
away from my blog for thousand years .LOL

Alright , my sister , Ice and me already moved out to Ampang cause
we are working together at Renaissanse Hotel Jln its easier for us to stay nearby there to working place~
oh yeahhh we working as receiption as well.
how about the salary ?
quite GOOD to the Max wehh ..

In the first beginning,my dad did not agree to let us get that job..cause he said the place are too far he is worried seriously.

And i dont like to work at Kajang, WHY ?
the salary not enough for me to spend and earn money for my family.
RM800 ? RM 900 ? NOOOooOoooO !!

but after i told him that i wanted to learn everything outside, let me get some experience
and finally he was agreed and to pay all costs spending for two of us.

Thankiuuu fatty daddy muahhhh xoxo!

I need to control of my money lols..
i shopping til i pants drop weyyy
someone can put FULLSTOP to me can ?? wtf -.-
i need to save money! i cant wait patiently want to get the Iphone 4 okayyy
wait for me cutie Iphone ! mummy will come to get you soon ! :)

hehehe upload some photo share with you all~~

[ Hennessy Event V.S.O.P ]

Oh my , oh my ,oh my. So syok first time attending the Hennessy Event for this year.
Will update more photos of the day of Hennessy !

wait me peoples ! :D

END with loves ,xoxo
By Venn

1 comment:

Ana Costa e Silva said...

Hi! Nice blog... I follow you ;)

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